Body Care

Bec's Autumn Body Care Routine

Bec's Autumn Body Care Routine

As much as I’m a summer baby, I’m a sucker for autumn and winter dressing. Knee-high books, oversized coats and cashmere, I love it. But the onset of cold weather means that we need to take a look at how we’re looking after our skin. Similar to adjusting my wardrobe with the weather changes, I like to transition my skincare routine too. This, of course, includes the products I use from the neck down. My AUTUMN BODY CARE ROUTINE really sets me up and prepares me for the cold come WINTER. Through years of trial and error, I’ve realised that my skin really needs more than just hydration when the temperature drops. 

Here is my list of products and treatments that I love to incorporate in autumn.


I like to up my exfoliation during autumn. My BEETOX DRY BODY BRUSH still gets a daily workout but I find coupling this with a combination of physical and chemical exfoliant via the LUI BODY POLISH helps to boost my skin's radiance and keeps it subtle and glowing.


I love to incorporate body oil into my routine at night after my shower. THIS ONE from OSEA is hypoallergenic, dermatologist tested and great for SENSITIVE SKIN (like mine!). I’ll add a few pumps to the skin after applying the LUI BODY MOISTURISER. This helps to lock in the moisturiser and almost turns it into a mask allowing everything to really penetrate the skin whilst I sleep.


This time of year where the temperature jumps around a lot it’s so easy to catch a cold. Poor Andy fell in a heap recently and I loved adding a few drops of THIS OIL to the base of a warm shower (away from the direct stream of water). The steam in the shower transforms the bathroom into a heavenly smelling spa.


I love using red light therapy beds year round. Not only are the benefits for skin rejuvenation and muscle recovery amazing but I find the warmth and 15 minutes lying down such a treat, it’s almost meditative. I use it once a week in autumn and winter.


I’m a cool shower girl in summer, however when the temperature drops below 25 I crave a BATH. I have a huge jar of DR TEAL'S EPSOM BATH SALTS sitting next to my bath and love to add a few scoops to help with relaxation, improved sleep and skin health. It really helps to soothe and soften the skin.


Maintaining the balance of my SKIN'S PH is always important to me but especially over the cooler months. Indoor heating and cold air really puts our skin to the test so ensuring I’m using body care products that are pH-balanced, like our SHAVE CREAM, helps to protect and nurture my body.

Making these small additions and changes not only keeps my skin looking good but they’re nice little moments that I genuinely look forward to. If you’re looking for me this autumn, chances are I’ll be holed up at home lathered in moisturiser watching The White Lotus.


Bec xx