
Recipe: LUI Spring Salad by Green-On

Recipe: LUI Spring Salad by Green-On

At GREEN-ON we put people and planet at the centre of everything that we do. We source local, regeneratively grown produce to bring our community nutritionally charged salads that not only nourish us but also nurture the land. Green-On is all about connection and purpose. Our philosophy is to eat for impact. 

As we come out of the depths of winter, the smell of blossoms in the air immediately makes me want to eat things that are a little more crisp, cooling and herbaceous. This salad reawakens my senses out of hibernation and kicks me into gear for the active months ahead. 

I add beetroot to a meal wherever possible. It is an absolute power house. An anti-inflammatory antioxidant, helps with brain function and athletic performance, is great for your liver and gut and the list goes on. We lacto ferment our carrots in-house to encourage the growth of healthy living bacteria that increases nutritional value and supports digestion. Chickpeas provide a source of protein to keep me sustained for hours and avocado to bring everything together and for all its good fat properties. Our Green Goddess dressing takes this salad to another dimension with its sharp, zingy, herb heavy chefs kiss coating. 

"Every bite of this gut-loving salad makes you want to do a little dance. Join the party."

Frankie Cox, Green-On Founder


Serves 1

1 cup mixed leaves

1⁄2 cup red cabbage, shredded

1⁄4 cup chickpeas, well rinsed

1⁄4 cup lacto fermented carrot, you can use any lacto fermented vegetable here

1⁄2 cup beetroot, freshly shredded/grated

1⁄2 cup cucumber, sliced in half moons

1⁄4 avocado, cubed

1 tbs spiced sunflower seeds

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, dress with the green goddess dressing and season to your liking. For an additional source of protein, this salad goes really well with chicken, egg, salmon, tofu or any other protein you like - just make sure you know where your protein comes from.


1⁄2 bunch flat leaf parsley

1⁄2 bunch coriander

1⁄4 bunch mint

1⁄4 bunch dill

1cm knob ginger, peeled, rough chop

1 clove garlic, peeled rough chop

1 tsp dijon

1⁄4 C apple cider vinegar


Blend all ingredients until smooth in a food processor or with a bar mix. Store in an airtight container. It will keep for a week in the fridge.

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