LUI Ritual: Emily Morello
Here at LUI, we love the idea of rituals: those little everyday practices that help you feel calm, centred and whole. We believe shaving deserves to be part of this self-care routine. In celebration of mindful moments, the LUI Ritual series asks friends of the brand about their own positive habits and how they elevate their day.
HI, MY NAME IS… Emily Morello.
WHEN I WAS GROWING UP I DREAMED OF BEING… a TV journalist. Specifically, the presenter on Getaway.
BUT NOW I WORK AS… a writer, freelance content strategist, content creator and the Beauty Editor at RUSSH.
THE FIRST THING I DO WHEN I WAKE UP IS… check my phone. I wish I had something more virtuous to share, but that’s an honest admission.
THE LAST SONG I PLAYED ON SPOTIFY… ‘Closing Time' - Semisonic.
1. I wake up, check my phone, then go into the kitchen and drink water with a scoop of The Beauty Chef Glow, collagen and a TCM supplement for acne. Sometimes I mix in other powders depending on how I’m feeling but these are constants.
2. Coffee. My husband makes me a double espresso every morning.
3. If my schedule permits, a walk or hot yoga class.
4. Skincare.
5. Breakfast, brush my teeth, get dressed, out the door or at my desk by 9ish.
THE PERFUME I SPRAY ON RIGHT BEFORE I LEAVE THE HOUSE IS… I am so into perfume, I have at least 100 bottles. I mix it up, but core favourites include Frederic Malle Musc Ravageur, Frederic Malle Music For A While, Costa Brazil Aroma, Celine Cologne Céleste and Hermes JOur d'Hermes. Today I’m wearing Frederic Malle Rose & Cuir.
MY COFFEE ORDER IS… a double espresso on a regular day. Iced long black if it’s warm out!

THROUGHOUT MY DAY I FIND JOY IN… while I love what I do for work, my weekdays are pretty chaotic. I try to take in little moments though: a great coffee, good playlist while I walk to work. A quiet dinner at home is always nice, too (even if it’s just intermission before I go back to my laptop). When it’s warm, I also love an early morning swim.
MY LUNCH ORDER IS… I’m known for cobbling together weird lunches. I’ll eat lots of snacks and call it a meal. But salads, sandwiches and sushi are up there. The Hood in Paddington makes a great sandwich (I get the Tunami).
MY 3PM PICK-ME-UP IS… coffee and probably a biscuit. I love any Italian biscotti sort of thing.
AFTER A LONG DAY I SWITCH OFF BY… a hot shower, skincare and reading through Substacks.
THE LAST BOOK I COULDN’T PUT DOWN… I just finished Work Smarter, Live Better by Cyril Peupion. I usually laugh at this type of content but it was really, really useful; practical tips that are applicable to real life. It also reinvented my relationship with Outlook.
1. Shower.
2. Skincare. This is usually a double cleanse, LED, some sort of treatment serum and moisturiser.
3. Massage. I have TMJ and love a borderline-painful Gua Sha session.
4. Night supplements (magnesium and the IKKARI Dream Tonic).
5. Bed time. I’m a night owl but am usually asleep by 11ish. If I’m feeling frazzled, I’ll fill in my to-do list for the following morning, too.
THE LAST THING I DO BEFORE BED IS… say goodnight to my husband, before I lower my phone brightness and scroll through TikTok lol.