LUI Ritual: Lisa Wipfli
Here at LUI, we love the idea of rituals: those little everyday practices that help you feel calm, centred and whole. We believe shaving deserves to be part of this self-care routine. In celebration of mindful moments, the LUI Ritual series asks friends of the brand about their own positive habits and how they elevate their day.
HI, MY NAME IS… Lisa Wipfli.
BUT EVERYONE CALLS ME… Lis, or my sister and besties call me Lily.
WHEN I WAS GROWING UP I DREAMED OF BEING… a journalist/newsreader.
BUT NOW I WORK AS… a content creator.
THE FIRST THING I DO WHEN I WAKE UP IS… turn off my alarm and put my activewear on.
THE LAST SONG I PLAYED ON SPOTIFY… 'Birds of a Feather' by Billie Eilish. Francesca [my daughter] is obsessed with this song so we play it every morning on the way to school.
1. 5am: wake up. 5.15am: get on the treadmill and walk 5km.
2. 6am-6.30am: infrared sauna.
3. 7am: make the kids breakfast and get them ready for school.
4. 8.15am: school drop-off.
5. Straight to my first meeting or a pilates class.
THE PERFUME I SPRAY ON RIGHT BEFORE I LEAVE THE HOUSE IS… Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt Cologne layered with the Jo Malone English Pear & Freesia Cologne.
MY COFFEE ORDER IS… double shot almond latte with Pearl by PAR OLIVE collagen powder.

THROUGHOUT MY DAY I FIND JOY IN… being in nature (even if it’s between meetings); five minute meditation (often in my car); calling family or friends on the phone.
MY LUNCH ORDER IS… either two teriyaki salmon sushi rolls or a salad.
MY 3PM PICK-ME-UP IS… a Par Olive collagen matcha latte. I make this at home and put it in a takeaway cup while I pick the kiddies up from school.
AFTER A LONG DAY I SWITCH OFF BY… scrolling Instagram or reading my book in bed.
THE LAST BOOK I COULDN’T PUT DOWN… Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus.
1. Shower and shave my legs with my LUI RAZOR.
2. Do my Rationale 5 and 6 skincare routine.
3. Moisturise my body with the LUI BODY MOISTURISER.
4. Mike [my husband] makes me a sleepy time tea.
5. I’ll check instagram and respond to any outstanding emails.
6. Go to bed at 8.30pm or 9pm and read in bed.
THE LAST THING I DO BEFORE BED IS… set my alarm and read for at least 20 minutes.