LUI Ritual

LUI Ritual: Emma Read

LUI Ritual: Emma Read

Here at LUI, we love the idea of rituals: those little everyday practices that help you feel calm, centred and whole. We believe shaving deserves to be part of this self-care routine. In celebration of mindful moments, the LUI Ritual series asks friends of the brand about their own positive habits and how they elevate their day.

HI, MY NAME IS… Emma Read.

BUT EVERYONE CALLS ME… Either Em or my full name, surname included – there is no in-between!

WHEN I WAS GROWING UP I DREAMED OF BEING… a writer, specifically around music.

BUT NOW I WORK AS… National Stylist for Australia and New Zealand at Tiffany & Co.

THE FIRST THING I DO WHEN I WAKE UP IS… cuddle my partner Ana. I’m more of a night owl than a morning person so truthfully it takes a minute or ten to get moving.

THE LAST SONG I PLAYED ON SPOTIFY… ‘Police Scanner’ by Chanel Beads and ‘Uncle ACE’ by Blood Orange.


1. Roll out of bed and sip a coffee that Ana has graciously prepared for me.

2. A moment of exercise if time permits; usually a quick walk.

3. Shower, skincare and hair. This changes depending on how both are behaving, particularly the hair. She’s a bit of a wild child so it usually involves a heatless curler in the morning to tame it; the David Mallett Hair Serum is a life saver. I love slathering on my LUI BODY MOISTURISER while my skin is still damp in the mornings, particularly in winter.

4. Makeup. I whip through a full face in 15 minutes. I use tanning drops in my facial moisturiser year-round which helps to balance my skin tone for a natural base – it's all about speed in the morning!

5. Outfit on and at my desk by 9:00am.

THE PERFUME I SPRAY ON RIGHT BEFORE I LEAVE THE HOUSE IS… I am such a fragrance lover so it’s all dependent on my mood and environment for the day. At the moment it’s a lot of Neroli Oranger by Matiere Premiere or Gris Charnel by BDK Parfums for day, and Italian Leather by Memo Paris or Sellier by Byredo for night.

MY COFFEE ORDER IS… iced long black in summer, almond latte in winter.

THROUGHOUT MY DAY I FIND JOY IN… moments of creativity. Particularly in my hectic work periods I need time to turn on that part of my brain to stay centred and calm; we forget as adults it’s important to still maintain a sense of play! That or an end of day vino.

MY LUNCH ORDER IS… a huge, 100-ingredient salad. I love a big kitchen sink-style salad, heavy on the dressing.

MY 3PM PICK-ME-UP IS… a biscuit. I’m not a huge chocolate gal so any sort of baked good is my go-to.

AFTER A LONG DAY I SWITCH OFF BY… cooking and resting. Couldn’t be more Taurus if I tried.

THE LAST BOOK I COULDN’T PUT DOWN… Anything by David Sedaris. I love him. His humour scratches a part of my brain no-one else seems to.


1. Dinner then shower. I’ll attend to any maintenance-type tasks here, like washing my hair (Le Labo’s Hinoki shampoo and conditioner, always) or shaving (LUI SHAVE CREAM and RAZOR, always!)

2. My PM skincare routine. It all starts with a double cleanse. My skin doesn’t ever let me get away with not doing this so it’s sometimes begrudgingly completed but more often than not relaxing. I cycle through products depending on what my skin is doing. At the moment it's either A313 Retinol and a Sisley mask, or a hydrating serum and balancing oil.

3. Massage. I hold so much tension in my face and neck it’s necessary so as not to move like the Terminator the following day. Gua Sha or a face roller does the trick.

4. Watch a show whilst simultaneously looking at TikTok or Instagram. Multitasking.

5. Start to switch off for the night. I’m usually in bed by 9:30pm-10:00pm.

THE LAST THING I DO BEFORE BED IS… Set a guided meditation or sound bath on my phone, throw on an eye mask and cuddle Ana.