LUI Ritual: Joanna Fleming
Here at LUI, we love the idea of rituals: those little everyday practices that help you feel calm, centred and whole. We believe shaving deserves to be part of this self-care routine. In celebration of mindful moments, the LUI Ritual series asks friends of the brand about their own positive habits and how they elevate their day.
HI, MY NAME IS… Joanna Fleming.
WHEN I WAS GROWING UP I DREAMED OF BEING… I actually wanted to work at Donut King. That was it. I still very much appreciate a hot cinny donut.
BUT NOW I WORK AS… a freelance dermal therapist providing in-depth skincare advice to hundreds of clients virtually, a podcast host for Shameless Media’s Style-ish, and I’m also a content creator.
THE FIRST THING I DO WHEN I WAKE UP IS… check my phone. (Surely this is everyone’s answer? If it’s not, they’re lying).
THE LAST SONG I PLAYED ON SPOTIFY… 'Everything I Wanted' by Billie Eilish.
1. Check my phone, then hop up and take the dog out for a wee.
2. Cleanse my face with micellar water, slap on some moisturiser and SPF.
3. Head to pilates – I do a mix of reformer, hot mat and barre throughout the week.
4. Come home and have a black tea with my breaky (at the moment my hyperfixation is crumpets with butter and honey). I usually also have a smoothie with all my supplements in it but I’ve been really slack the last few weeks because I don’t feel like a cold smoothie when it’s -1 degrees in the mornings.
5. Have a shower, do my proper morning skincare routine, and next steps depend on what's in the calendar for the day!
THE PERFUME I SPRAY ON RIGHT BEFORE I LEAVE THE HOUSE IS… at the moment it’s either Penhaligon’s Solaris or Juliette Has A Gun Not A Perfume.
MY COFFEE ORDER IS… weak almond cap.

THROUGHOUT MY DAY I FIND JOY IN… helping my clients to feel more confident.
MY LUNCH ORDER IS… usually some kind of sandwich.
MY 3PM PICK-ME-UP IS… another black tea and a few squares of Dairy Milk.
AFTER A LONG DAY I SWITCH OFF BY… watching TikToks. It’s probably rotting my brain but I really do find TikTok time to be a way of dissociating in a good way.
THE LAST BOOK I COULDN’T PUT DOWN… The Science of Beauty by Dr Michelle Wong.
1. I work most nights til 10, sometimes 11pm – I’m more productive in the evenings and find I can smash through email consultations without getting as distracted.
2. Have a shower (I use L’Occitane’s Almond Shower Oil in every shower).
3. Moisturise my body and change into my jammies.
4. Do my skincare and brush my teeth.
5. Jump into bed with my partner and usually spend about half an hour talking.
THE LAST THING I DO BEFORE BED IS… set my alarm for the next morning.