How To

How To: Prevent and Treat Back Acne

How To: Prevent and Treat Back Acne

When your goal is clear and smooth skin from top to toe, back acne can be a bit of a dampener. It's something most of us experience at some point in our lives, especially during puberty and pregnancy, but this pesky skin condition can very much crop up at any time. While breakouts, congestion and pimples on the back are common, they can be difficult to get rid of – especially because this area of the body is often, quite literally, out of arm's reach. Read on to learn about how to banish bacne for good.


Back acne is characterised by small spots on the back ranging from surface-level pimples to deep and uncomfortable cystic acne pustules. Back acne also includes other forms of congestion like blackheads and whiteheads. 


Sebaceous glands cover the surface of the skin and excrete sebum, or oil. This is useful in keeping the skin naturally moisturised and balanced, however the back has a high concentration of these glands. When the glands become blocked with dirt, debris, dead skin cells and bacteria, breakouts can form. With this context in mind there are a few key contributors to back acne:

- Hormonal changes: the body's oil production is regulated by hormones. Hormonal shifts, particularly during puberty and pregnancy, can cause hormones to fluctuate and the sebaceous glands to go into overdrive. Excess oil blocks the pores, resulting in bacne. Stress can trigger the release of cortisol, which produces extra sebum.

- Friction: the back is often covered with clothing, which can create a damp environment for bacne to breed. Friction caused by clothing, sports equipment and bag straps can inflame this area, contributing to skin lesions (known as acne mechanica).

- Excess sweat: breaking a sweat during exercise is the best feeling, but it's important to ensure the skin is properly cleansed afterwards to ensure the pores don't become clogged. It's best not to hang out in your activewear for too long after working out.

- Products: using products that contain high levels of synthetic fragrance, harsh drying alcohols or dyes can damage the SKIN'S NATURAL BARRIER FUNCTION and contribute to bacne. Think hair products that come into contact with this area, body washes, scrubs and moisturisers. 

- Genetics: unfortunately, a predisposition to back acne is largely determined by our genetic makeup, which is something we have no control over and can only take steps to mitigate.


First and foremost, keep the back cleansed and moisturised. It's best to use PH-BALANCED PRODUCTS on this area to help maintain the skin's delicate microbiome. We recommend using a low-foam body wash and a non-comedogenic (won't clog pores) body moisturiser. Our BODY MOISTURISER is pH-balanced and contains naturally active ingredients that elevate moisture levels and provide vital nutrients to support the skin’s barrier function.


If you are already experiencing bacne, try treating this area with topical ingredients. Our BODY POLISH can help to deeply clear out the pores, removing them of dirt and debris. It's been formulated with acne-fighting salicylic acid and charcoal powder to lift impurities from the pores. You might like to wear breathable loose-fitting clothing, giving areas of congestion plenty of room to breathe. Avoid sun exposure as this can increase skin pigment and worsen the appearance of acne scars, and, mostly importantly, refrain from picking or touching the area as this can spread bacteria and contribute to scarring. Using LED light therapy on the back can help to clear the skin and micro-needling (performed by a professional) can accelerate wound-healing.